APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Installation & Configuration :
How do I upgrade APPX 3.5 or 4.0 to version 4.2?
It is recommended that you read all the release notes prior to upgrading to a newer release of APPX. There have been major improvements and enhanced functionality at many levels of the system. You’ll want to be aware of how these enhancements will effect your current application environment. A complete list of release notes are available at .
To upgrade from Appx 3.5 to Appx 4.2, perform the following steps. If you are not sure about how to perform a specific step, contact APPX Technical Support:
1) Confirm that the"MNT (maintenance) registration cutoff date has not expired.
2) Run "Verify Integrity" on your System Administration and Application Design Files. If any problems are detected, correct them. Backup the existing system.
3) Download Appx 4.2:
4) Run setup.exe (Windows) or (Unix), overlaying 4.2 on top of 3.5. You must be logged in as Administrator in Windows or as root in Unix.
5) Delete all EM and Dbg directories ($APPXPATH/*/*/Em and $APPXPATH/*/*/Dbg) in all of your Design File and Appx 0-App directory trees.
6) Scratch all '$APPXPATH/*/Tmpdata' directories.
7) Scratch each Application's $APPXPATH\vv\aaa\Struct directories and their contents, where aaa\vv is your ApplicationID/Version#. Do not delete the five 0-app APPXPATH\00\0*\Struct directories. Note, we will create new structure files in step 10a below.
8) Scratch $APPXPATH/0SA/Struct/FORM.dat
9) Create your new 4.2 system files:
Run System Administration => System Setup => System Administration File Management => Create Files.
10) Go to System Administration => Database/Applications => Applications. For each of your Applications:
        (a)     Run ‘Create Files’
(b) Run ‘Convert From Pre 4.1 to 4.1
(c) Run ‘Sync Widget Elements’
(d) Run "Create Executable Modules"

11) In Application Design for each application, run Utilities => Toolbox => Conversion Utilities => Synchronize Design Elements.
12) For users using the GUI Appx/Client, download and install the current 4.2 Appx Java Client onto their PCs.
For users using the Win32(Windows) Client, download and install the current appx.exe client onto their PCs.
This procedure is used to upgrade from Appx releases 3.5 to release 4.2.

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2005-May-19 3:30pm
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