APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) ILF (Integrated Language Facility) :
Why are there lowercase I/O Verbs in ILF?
After upgrading to 4.1, previously existing APPX I/O statements (READ, WRITE, etc.) are now printed in technical documentation in lowercase (read, write, etc.).

APPX 4.1.3 has new I/O statements, with different formats than the prior I/O statements. To prevent conflicts, instead of replace the APPX I/O statements, we added new ones. But, we wanted the new one to have the name of the old ones.

Our solution was to convert the current I/O statement names from upper to lower case, then have the new statements be the names with uppercase.

So, the old I/O statements are still there and work. A lower case "read" is the old READ statement and an upper case "READ" is the new I/O statement.

The statements are converted as you edit ILF code. When an ILF event point series is loaded into the ILF editor, the "read" statements are converted to "READ" statements. When you save the code, the I/O statements have been updated to the new I/O statement format.

If you select "upper/lower" with opt-6, the command goes in as "read" instead of "READ", and the remainder of the line uses the old format (8-character file name, etc.) instead of the new. It also does not verify the key path on entry, as READ does.

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2004-Jan-02 10:52am
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