APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Output Processes :
HTML tags that can be used within a text field that is to be displayed with an HTML Viewer widget type via the APPX client.
For a new line, use CTL RETURN.

<p>               - new paragraph (does not require an ending </p>)
<pre> ... </pre>  - new paragraph with Courier font and fixed spacing
&nbsp             - fixed space (needed when not using <pre>)
<b> ... </b>      - bold
<i> ... </i>      - italic
<li> ... </li>    - each bullet
<ul> ... </ul>    - to indent bullets
<font size="n"> ... </font> where n=1-9 (1=8,2=10,3=12,4=14,5=18,6=24,7=36pt)

A good example of usage to look at is the new IF DIFF statement under 
Remember, in INQ mode, you see the HTML tags applied; 
in CHG mode, you see the actual HTML tags coded.
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2004-Jun-24 8:30am
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