APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Tips & Techniques :
How do I send a file to a client PC and open the file with a client side App? (i.e. Excel)
The following code sends the file from the server to the Windows client PC and runs a command on the client. You need the Java client for this to work. This example sends a spreadsheet file and launches Microsoft Excel to open the file on the client.
      *        Send the file to the client
      SET      --- TEMP 80                    =      /tmp/info.csv
      SET      --- TEMP 132                   =      c:\temp\info.csv
      PASS     --- TEMP 80                    FIELD            SHARE? Y
      PASS     --- TEMP 132                   FIELD            SHARE? Y
      CALL         ,RT_SEND_FILE              RESIDENT? N  END? N  FAIL 0
      *        Run Excel and open the file
      SET      --- TEMP 256                   =      @
      APPEND   --- TEMP 256                   0      "C:\Program Files\Micr
      APPEND   --- TEMP 256                   0      osoft Office\Office\EX
      APPEND   --- TEMP 256                   0      CEL.EXE"
      APPEND   --- TEMP 256                   1      c:\temp\info.csv
      SET      --- LI                         =      256
      PASS     --- TEMP 256                   FIELD            SHARE? Y
      PASS     --- LI                         FIELD            SHARE? Y
      CALL         ,RT_LOAD_URL               RESIDENT? N  END? N  FAIL 0
See also: (Xref) Diagnose SUBR --- SEND FILE TO CLIENT problems
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2003-Dec-09 4:24pm
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