Appx Report Writer has a really handy tool for exporting data from APPXIO files. Create a report (query) as normally selecting the fields in the order you wish them to appear in the exported file (use the Select function). After all the fields are selected click on Export Options and enter your specifications. The ‘Disposition of Export File?’ specification has three options, Leave, Upload, and Upload & Open. The Leave option will export the data to APPX_PATH/PRINT/uuu/, where uuu is the Appx userid and xxx is the file extension you specified. Upload and Upload & Open using the Java Client will export to ../Documents and Settings/UserName/.appx/cache/localhost/ver/Data/
Important, after specifying the Export Options you must Run the report. A pop-up window will tell you where the file was saved using the Leave and Upload options. Hint. If you specify Upload & Open you can click save as to see where the file is located.