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(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) ILF (Integrated Language Facility) :
ILF Option 94
ILF Browse (Opt-94 within the ILF editor) lets you drill down into design elements embedded in ILF code.

The results of performing an Opt-94 from within the ILF editor depends on the statement at which the cursor is currently positioned and sometimes where the cursor is positioned within the statement.

If you're positioned to a statement that names a label or a process (GOSUB, SUBR, INPUT, etc.), then your cursor can be anywhere on that line and Opt-94 will take you to either the local label, or the process.

Some statements will jump to the DD, not to a process. In those cases you must have your cursor positioned within the field name on the statement. Some statements can contain more than one field name (like IF, APPEND, SET).

With a statement like BEG READ, you can jump to 3 different places. Based on the cursor position, you can jump to the FILE, the FIELD, or the END READ.

If you're not positioned somewhere where ILF Browse can determine where to jump to, then it invokes Xcopy logic. This is the beginning of an enhanced Xcopy that hasn't been implemented yet. For example, you might want to ILF Browse to a subroutine and mark some statements to be Xcopy'd. Someday you should be able to do that.

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2004-Jan-06 4:26pm
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