Many customers have increased the availability of WinAppxD by installing multiple WinAppxD services (WinAppxD as originally installed, plus nearly exact copies of it as WinAppxD2, WinAppxD3, etc.). These differ only in the port used by each one. For example, WinAppxD may listen on port 8060. WinAppxD2 may listen on port 8061. WinAppxD3 on port 8062. Once you have set up multiple WinAppxD services, you can instruct your users to change their "Server Port" (in the login dialog) to one of the alternate port numbers, if they experience difficulty connecting to the default port number.
You may wish to copy WinAppxD.exe to names like Appx8060.exe, Appx8061.exe, etc., in order to keep them grouped together under NT Server's Task Manager.
In any case, we recommend that you run multiple APPX/Servers, due to the increased level of fault tolerance it provides. Instructions on setting up WinAppxD services are in the APPX Presentation Client/Server Installation Guide.
Multiple WinAppxD services on different ports invoked from batch files is also a way of changing the main environment variables for, for example, running two versions and data sets in parallel, or using a different APPX_KEYMAP when attaching from another device type such as handheld RF scanners through a telnet session via a LINUX box.