FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : APPX Utility : APPX System Administration :
How do I verify the file 'ORDER' in application 'AAA', database 'DDD'? | |
Obtain APPXUTIL.EXE from our FTP site, and put it in the same directory containing APPX.EXE
Open a DOS box on the NT or Windows 95 machine containing the data files. While it is possible to verify data files across the network, it is most time-efficient to run the verification on the actual machine (server) on which the data files are located. "cd" to the directory containing the files - for example, if my APPX data files were stored in C:\APPX\DATA, and I wanted to verify the file named above, I would:
Run "appxutil -v=filename.dat" - for example, for the scenario described in this section, type:
appxutil -v=ORDER.dat
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2004-Feb-27 4:14pm |
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