APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX System Administration :
How can i build up the FMS path for APPXIO data files?
There is a feature in release 4.0 which may help you do this... for AppxIO data files, you can build up the FMS path using the following macros:
  $(host)         -  host name
  $(engine)       -  Appx engine version
  $(endian)       -  'intel' or 'risc'
  $(root)         -  $APPXPATH
  $(uid)          -  3-character Appx User ID
  $(user)         -  OS User ID
  $(pid)          -  OS Process ID
  $(ap)           -  File's application ID
  $(ver)          -  File's application Version
  $(db)           -  File's Database ID
  $(scope)        -  Process nesting level
  $(file)         -  8-character file name
  $(type)         -  "Data", "Struct", "Portdata", etc.
  $(anything-else)-  An environment variable
As an example, the normal location for an Appx data file would be:
If you wanted to invert the database/application hierarchy:
And, of course, you can do other fancy things:
The one thing which is missing is that you don't have a way to set an environment variable from within ILF code. If you could do that, you could programmatically control the entire pathname.
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2004-Dec-29 10:30am
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