*** Change paths to match your site ***
*** This also assumes system user "appx" and group "appxgrp"
*** Execute the following as root ***
# Make the APPX directory and get inside it:
mkdir /usr/local/appx.427
cd /usr/local/appx.427/
# Fetch the APPX tar balls via wget
wget http://www.appx.com/ftp/appx/products/appx/server/4.2.7/comm_unx.tgz
wget http://www.appx.com/ftp/appx/products/appx/server/4.2.7/data_int.tgz
wget http://www.appx.com/ftp/appx/products/appx/server/4.2.7/exec_lin.tgz
wget http://www.appx.com/ftp/appx/products/appx/server/4.2.7/link_lin.tgz
(link_lin.tgz is optional)
# Un tar the tar files
tar xzf comm_unx.tgz
tar xzf data_int.tgz
tar xzf exec_lin.tgz
tar xzf link_lin.tgz
# set permissions and ownership of the APPX files and directories:
# Be very careful for typos. These are dangerous commands
# Make sure you understand them and verify they are correct for
# your system before you execute them
chown -R appx:appxgrp /usr/local/appx.427/
chmod -R 775 /usr/local/appx.427/
chmod u+s /usr/local/appx.427/appx
chown root /usr/local/appx.427/tools/appxd
chmod u+s /usr/local/appx.427/tools/appxd
mkdir /usr/local/appx.427/data/PRINT
chmod 777 /usr/local/appx.427/data/PRINT
# edit and modify the appx client daemon startup script
# edit /usr/local/appx.427/tools/start-appxd.sh and set
APPXPATH="/usr/local/appx.427/data", and APPX_PORT=8060.
APPX_SERVER and APPX_KEYMAP should already be set.
Then start the appxd daemon and you should be able to connect to the server (appxd) on port 8060.
You can now connect from a client. If you want a client installed on your linux desktop, then continue below:
# Start your X session. Open a command window.
# The install tool you are about to run requires a # running GUI desktop, so run the following commands # from the GUI command window:
# Fetch the Java based APPX Desktop Client with the wget tool:
cd /tmp
wget http://www.appx.com/ftp/appx/products/appx/client/4.2.7/java_lin.bin
sh /tmp/java_lin.bin
Follow the prompts to install APPX Desktop Client 4.2.7. Pay attention to where you install the program. I often will install it at /usr/local/AppxDesktopClient/ When it is installed, execute /usr/local/AppxDesktopClient/AppxDesktopClient
You can now connect in via the APPX DesktopClient's REMOTE tab to connect via TCP/IP, or via the LOCAL tab to connect via the local file system.