APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX System Administration :
How to import dates from APPX to Oracle.
Internally APPX stores all dates in CCYYMMDDHHMMSSTh format and the routine that creates the comma delimited file uses the CNV TEXT which converts the date to a MM/DD/CCYY character format. This converted format is designed for general exporting and uses the MM/DD/CCYY format because that format is relatively standard for text files. If you are exporting APPX data that is to be imported into Oracle or another database that has the date field(s) defined as CCYYMMDD, you can instruct APPX to format the date in the CCYYMMDD format by setting the date mask for the application you wish to export. There are two ways this can be specified.

You can manually modify the generated CDF update and put the data into the desired format, or;

If you're sufficiently segregated from your other Appx users, you can for the duration of your CDF generation temporarily set the 'Date Mask' on the second screen of your 'Application' record to something like "08070605 04:03.02(01)". Alternately, at the Appx system-wide level, in System Administration, Databases/Applications, Applications, locate the application which contains the update you are trying to run. Highlight that application and press Enter. You should get a pop up for the application and on this window is a Date Mask Field. Set the date mask to 0807060504030201and press Enter. Now when the update runs (for this application only) it will format the date(s) as an internal APPX date which will then match the format expected by your data definitions in the Oracle table.

Don’t forget to change the date mask back after the import.

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2004-Jan-02 4:48pm
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