APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX System Administration :
How to use recover.exe!
A quick recommendation:

` 1) Move FILE.dat and FILE.key to FILE.bad.dat and FILE.bad.key

` 2) Execute:

     IF  you are on 4.1:
     recover  FILE.bad.dat  FILE.dat > FILE.corrupted
If you are on 4.2: appx -recover FILE.bad.dat FILE.dat > FILE.corrupted

` 3) Display FILE.corrupted

` 4) Rebuild your keyfiles (run 'Create Files').

This allows the original corrupt files to be maintained as ".bad." files,
in case additional data recovery is desired later.

For full instructions see: > Support >
> Special Topics > System Administration > File Analysis and Recovery
and (Xref) "Recover"ing data into a consecutive file..

Bruce Johnston Jan 14, '04:
FOR THOSE OF YOU ON WINDOWS, here're a few .bat files in a .zip to help you do this.

They assume that they and the recover.exe reside in D:\APPX\Tools and that D:\APPX\Data is the starting path for your .dat and .key files so you might have to edit them accordlingly.

One is standalone, rebuild.bat, and it is for doing the cmd line work on a single file.  It's syntax is
rebuild ver_or_db app datfilenamewithoutextension
No wildcards allowed for this one!

The other four are invoked in sequence rebuild1 ... rebuild4 with rebuild1 being invoked from the command line as
rebuild1 ver_or_db app datfilenamewithoutextension
but, in this case, all three parameters may contain dos wildcards
rebuild1 01 T?? *
should run recover against all of the design files in the T-Apps, assuming no file locking issues.
rebuild1 TST * C* would run recover againt the TST database for all files starting with "C" across all applications.

Hopefully, I'll be able to upload after completely this...
That didn't work so here're the .bat files:

cd %1
cd %2
cd data
del %3.ke0
ren %3.key %3.ke0
del %3.bad
del %3.del
del %3.da0
ren %3.dat %3.da0
d:\appx\tools\recover %3.da0 %3.dat %3.del > %3.bad

REM     Receives %1 = 1st level below APPXPATH (Company or Version)
REM              %2 = 2nd level below APPXPATH (Application)
REM              %3 = .DAT file spec WITHOUT the extension
REM     Wildcards permitted at all three levels.

REM     Note that the "/d" usage in the FOR commands implies
REM     that the command line extensions in NT server be supported.

REM     Make sure that "d:\appx\tools" is changed to match the path to
REM     you own .BAT files. AND RECOVER.exe

for /d %%d IN (%1) DO CALL d:\appx\tools\REBUILD2.bat d:\appx\tools %%d %2 %3

REM     REBUILD2.bat
REM     CALLed from REBUILD1.bat 
REM     Receives %1 = path to REBUILD3.bat and RECOVER.exe
REM              %2 = 1st level below APPXPATH (Company or Version)
REM              %3 = 2nd level below APPXPATH (Application)
REM              %4 = .DAT file spec WITHOUT the extension

cd .\%2
for /d %%d in (%3) do CALL %%1\REBUILD3.bat %1 %%d %4
REM     In case dir structure or wildcards were wacky
REM     Force a return to where REBUILD1.bat started us.

REM     REBUILD3.bat
REM     CALLed from REBUILD2.bat 
REM     Receives %1 = path to REBUILD4.bat and RECOVER.exe
REM              %2 = 2nd level below APPXPATH (Application)
REM              %3 = .DAT file spec WITHOUT the extension
if not exist .\%2\data goto ENDBATCH

cd .\%2
cd .\data
for %%f in (%3.dat) do CALL %1\REBUILD4.bat %1 %%f


REM     REBUILD4.bat
REM     CALLed from REBUILD3.bat 
REM     Receives %1 = path to RECOVER.exe
REM              %2 = .DAT file spec
REM     Thanks to Paul Peterson, (
REM     I know that %~n2 returns the file name
REM     WITHOUT the extension which he learned from
REM     (the?) Windows NT Scripting Administrators Guide
REm             by William R. Stanek

del %~n2.ke0
ren %~n2.key %~n2.ke0
del %~n2.bad
del %~n2.del
del %~n2.da0
ren %~n2.dat %~n2.da0
%1\recover %~n2.da0 %~n2.dat %~n2.del > %~n2.bad
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2006-Jan-17 8:49am
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