APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX System Administration :
Message, “Can't access named resources”!
The following assumes a unix or linux server:
 a) Verify that the files are indeed OK.
b) cd $APPXPATH/vv/aaa/ where "vv" is the version and "aaa" is the application id
c) chmod 777 Resource
d) chmod 777 Resource/*
e) rm -f Em/*
f) rm -f Dbg/*
g) On your local client system, remove the ".appx" cache directory tree. It should be in your home directory. If you look at (Xref) home\appxlog.txt file in your client directory, it will have a log line with the path to your local .appx cache directory.
h) Check that the case of the filenames in the resource file exactly match the case of the filenames on disk.
i) Try to load the screen again in the image editor
j) If it still fails, email (Xref) home\appxlog.txt as it exists right after killing the client from a lockup, to
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2004-Apr-02 4:48pm
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