FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : APPX Utility : APPX Installation & Configuration :
How do I upgrade APPX 3.5 or 4.0 to version 4.1? | |
The following should get you from Appx {3.5 or 4.0} to {4.1 or 4.2} pretty directly: | |
1) Confirm that your "MNT" (maintenance) registration cutoff date on your 2nd registration screen has not expired.
2) Download Appx 4.1 from our www.appx.com > Downloads > APPX Server Releases.
3) Run setup.exe (Windows) or install.sh (Unix), overlaying 4.1 on top of 4.0. 4) Delete all EM and Dbg directories ($APPXPATH/*/*/EM and $APPXPATH/*/*/Dbg) for all of your Design Files and the Appx 0-App files. 5) Scratch all '$APPXPATH/*/Tmpdata' directories. 6) Create system files new to 4.1: Run System Administration > System Setup > System Administration File Management > Create Files.
7) Go to System Administration > Database/Applications > Applications. 8) Optionally run "Create Executable Modules" while on the Design File Management screen.
9) For users using the GUI Appx/Client, download and install the current 4.1 Appx Java Client onto their PCs. 10) Once 4.1 is operational, update its Structure files to prevent future export/import problems:
10a) Delete each Application's APPXPATH\vv\aaa\Struct directories and their contents, where aaa\vv is your ApplicationID/Version#.
10b) Run System Administration > Database/Applications > Applications > Design File Management > Create Files, for each Application/Version pair, to recreate its Structure files. | |
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2005-May-19 3:25pm |
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