APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX System Administration :
Oracle-Store blanks, not NULL !
How can one force blanks into null fields, when converting Appx to the Oracle Database?
If an Appx alpha field contains all blanks and the database field allows NULL values, then Appx stores a NULL value in the corresponding database field. If the database field does not allow NULL values, then Appx stores spaces in the database field. If you don't want Appx to store null values in he field, make sure that the database field has the NOT NULL attribute set.

You can use the field override option in the File Specifications to specify that null values are not allowed. Do this before running Create Files to create the table.

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2004-Jan-05 4:26pm
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