APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX System Administration :
Getting 'ps -ef' original UserID in Linux
Customer's "ps -ef" on their AIX box gave the User's actual user ID, whereas "ps -ef" under Linux always gives the 'Appx' UserID. The customer uses the ps -ef for Appx user management. Is there a way to get the process user's original ID, so they can do this in Linux?
Place the following shell script in /usr/local/bin or /bin. Then pipe the output from appxps into "grep appx" to get a list of all Appx processes:
> # which appxps

> # cat /bin/appxps
ps -axwo ruser,pid,ppid,c,stime,tty,time,args

> # appxps|grep appx
root     1573     1 0 Jan11 ?     00:00:00 /appx/tools/appxd -s=8066
root     1576     1 0 Jan11 ?     00:00:00 /appx/tools/appxd -s=8090
appx     1589     1 0 Jan11 ?     00:00:00 /appx/appx -l=/appx/license.log
nobody   1660  1573 0 Jan11 ?     00:00:00 /appx/data/../appx -f=4 -fms_server
al      11565  1576 0 Jan12 ?     00:00:01 /appx/data/../appx -f=4 -d=   
brenda  22224  1576 0 Jan13 ?     00:00:01 /appx/data/../appx -f=4 -d=   
al      24736  1576 0 Jan13 ?     00:00:10 /appx/data/../appx -f=4 -d=   
al       4786  1576 0 10:22 ?     00:00:04 /appx/data/../appx -f=4 -d=   
pat      6181  6180 0 12:42 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash  /home/pat/.appx_profile
pat      6183  6181 0 12:42 pts/1 00:00:01 /appx/appx -d=CTS
root     6574  6522 0 13:17 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/sh  /bin/appxps
root     6575  6522 0 13:17 pts/0 00:00:00 grep appx

> # 
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2004-Jan-14 4:48pm
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