APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX System Administration :
What kind of machines and network do I need for server and clients?
For the server, any machine capable of running APPX Presentation Server (appxd or WinAppxD/appdsvc) and APPX version 3.5 or later will work.

Please note that this excludes Novell Netware servers. If you wish to make data stored on a Novell Netware drive accessible to ODBC clients, you should install APPX/ODBC in the 'standalone' configuration, going against the mapped Netware drive, instead of using the client/ server configuration.

For the client, a machine running Windows 9x, NT or above is required. Windows 3.x is specifically not supported by APPX/ODBC.

Because file I/O will be taking place across the network, the faster your network is, the faster your client programs will be able to access APPX data. This might be the ideal time to think about justifying a 100mbit/sec "Fast Ethernet" upgrade.

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2004-Feb-19 4:27pm
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