APPX is the Premier Development and Runtime Environment for Business Application Software
(Category) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment :
Input Processes
FAQ's relating to the design of Input Processes.

Answers in this category:
(Answer) How can I scale a picture on an Input screen?
(Answer) How to add a second image to a frame in an input process
(Answer) Message “Scrolling Frame Must Precede All Interactive Frames”
(Answer) How to have a scrolling input process display in-progress messages?
(Answer) Display spaces instead of MM/DD/CCYY on an input screen which is inquiry only
(Answer) Can my scrolling input refresh itself when a record is added or deleted?
(Answer) Can I use different image sizes in my scrolling input?
(Answer) How do I create a dynamically sized scrolling input?
(Answer) When using the PICTURE command I get Load Error!
(Answer) How to set button (widget) colors!
(Answer) How to print tech doc for GUI input processes?
(Answer) How to get information about why the --- SEND FILE TO CLIENT subroutine failed?
(Answer) How can I dynamically apply Special Characteristics (Underline, Bold, Inverse Video)
(Answer) What’s PreDisplay/Verify for?
(Answer) How to display the HELP text for the current Menu?
(Answer) How do you create dynamic screen titlebar text with ILF?
(Answer) What are the rules for non-positive widget positions within an image?
(Answer) How do I stop APPX from automatically displaying the next record during INQUIRY.
(Answer) How can I make a constrained field editable?
(Answer) Which fields in the --- WIDGET file correspond to the GUI attr. input fields?
(Answer) When I go into an Input screen with Optional Children exceeding option number 130 - options 1 through 30 are not there.
(Answer) Word wrapping on multi-line text fields.
(Answer) Is it possible to make the cursor on APPX thicker or more visible?
(Answer) How to blank out or make invisible a Field on an Image
(Answer) Optional frame may result in infinite loop
(Answer) How To Add a Picture to an input process

[New Answer in "Input Processes"]
2006-Apr-27 9:40am
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How can I scale a picture on an Input screen?
I created an item widget with a control type of Picture to display on an Input screen. The actual picture is larger than the area available to display it on the screen. How can I scale the picture to fit nicely in the defined space?
As of Appx 4.1.a the Picture control type for an alpha item does not let you set anything to adjust the size or aspect of the image for the item. In order to scale the image, go to change mode on the item and pull up the GUI attributes. Change the control type from Picture to Label. This will open several different attribute field for entry. Change the Icon Position field to EXPAND PROP'L. Now chage the control type back to Picture and save the changes. The Picture control will retain the Icon Position setting and scale the image to fit the defined area.
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2003-Nov-04 4:03pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How to add a second image to a frame in an input process
APPX 4.1
In order to add more than one input image to a frame, the check box under the column heading Mul Img (Multiple Images) on the Frames specification window must be set to "yes" (checked). The default value for this box is “no” (unchecked). If you are in change mode at the image level and want to add another image to this frame, pressing ADD will take you back to the Frames window. Check the Mul Img box and press Enter. You can now add additional images
A Warning message will be displayed at the Frames level when the Mul Img box is checked and Enter is pressed. This is to remind you to code the SET statement in Select Image. The designer must SET the --- ALTERNATE IMAGE NUMBER in the Select Image Event Point to control which image will be displayed for this frame at run time. Refer to the Images section in Chapter 3-1 of the Application Design Manual for a discussion of alternate images.
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2003-Nov-07 2:32pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Message “Scrolling Frame Must Precede All Interactive Frames”
APPX 4.1

This message will appear when a scrolling input function is invoked that has multiple image specifications defined and the display only (Dspl Only?) checkbox is set to “no” on an image prior to the scrolling image. Within a Frame, all the images defined before a scrolling image must be display only.

Note; if a modifiable field is specified on an image that is defined as display only, APPX will automatically set the Dspl Only? flag to “no” when the image is saved. You can reset the flag to “yes” if your application requires a modifiable field on the image. Refer to Chapter 3-6 of the Application Design Manual for further information on the Dspl Only? specification.

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2004-Jan-07 2:39pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How to have a scrolling input process display in-progress messages?
The technique used in the 0 apps for things like Build EMs or Restructure Files is in the 1EX application.
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2003-Dec-26 3:03pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Display spaces instead of MM/DD/CCYY on an input screen which is inquiry only
The only way currently to get a truly blank date display on an INPUT in Inquiry mode is to paint an alpha field on your Image, then fill it with all blanks or an alpha value constructed from the source date field, depending on whether the source date is blank or not..
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2004-Jan-07 2:28pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Can my scrolling input refresh itself when a record is added or deleted?
I have a scrolling input that displays some basic information about the records. This input has an optional child process that will let the user pull up a full screen process to add, change, or delete a record. When the user is returned to the scrolling parent I would like the scrolling input to refresh to reflect the changes made by the user.
You can refresh a scrolling input by designing it as a single step in a job. The input will not actually refresh, it will be terminated and re-executed, which will give the appearance of refreshing the screen.

Instead of executing the input directly, execute the job. Place a value in the CHILD ID field for the job step, such as RERN. In the Post Invocation event point add ILF code to test the value of a work variable to see if the input should re-execute or if the job should terminate. To re-execute the input set the value of --- NEXT CHILD ID to the value you entered on the job step (RERN). This will cause Appx to change its default behavior and go the job step with that child id and start processing from there.

In the parent input process, go to the Additional Attributes of the optional child and set the Parent Disposition to End Before. In places appropriate to your processing in the parent and/or the optional child (the full screen process) set the variable you are going to check in the Post Invocation of the job to a value to indicate if the parent input should be re-executed or not (this is the code mentioned above). Make sure the share class of the variable and the invocation type of the inputs are set so that the variable you use is visible to the Post Invocation event point of the job.

Here is an example from 1EX:

I added the following code to the ORDER2 Input Process, in 1EX, frame 200,
Option Intercept:

      SET      1EX  WORK LOG                  EQ     0

      *        Copy current line
      IF       --- OPTION                     EQ     USER 1

T     STORE    1EX ORDER2                     RECORD

T     BEG LOOP WI = 000 TO 001  STEP 000

T     COMPUTE  1EX ORDER2 SNO                 +      1

T     WRITE    1EX ORDER2                 FAIL 0

TT    SET      1EX WORK LOG                   EQ     1


Then in the parent process - INPUT ORDER1, i went to the  AA and gave it a

child ID of TSTT.

Then in the Post Invocation of the Child Rule i added:

    IF       1EX WORK LOG                   EQ     1

T   SET      --- NEXT CHILD ID              =      TSTT

It causes the child process to re-display silently and the newly added record

is displayed to a user.
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2007-Feb-26 2:27pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Can I use different image sizes in my scrolling input?
To display different sizes of images for records in a scrolling input set the Scroll Type for the scrolling frame to Columnar rather than Down and set the Multiple Images flag to Y(es). Create the desired images and add the appropriate code in the Select Image event point for the scrolling frame to decide which image should be displayed.
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2003-Nov-20 4:47pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How do I create a dynamically sized scrolling input?
Some users have larger monitors and I would like to run Appx with more rows and columns to take advantage of the screen sizes. How can I create a scrolling input that will display more data on the larger monitors?
One way is to design the scrolling input with four frames. Each frame will use a different value for the starting row position or row size. Each frame will contain the same value for the column size.

The first frame will have a starting position of row 1, column 1 (or whatever you want as your upper left corner anchor). The size will be set to -1 for the rows and however wide you would like for the data you need to display. The -1 tells Appx to end the frame one line up from the bottom of the display area. Set the box attribute to Y. Do no create an image for this frame (do not go to the image editor). This will be a display only frame.

The second frame will be the heading frame. The starting position will be the same as the first frame. The size will be the number of rows needed for the headings. This will be a display only frame.

The third frame is the footing frame. The starting position will be a negative number set to the number of rows needed for you footing information. This negative number tells Appx to start the frame that many rows from the bottom of the display area. This will be a display only frame.

The fourth frame will be the scrolling area. The starting row will be one more than the starting row of the heading frame plus the row size of the heading frame. The row size of this frame will be a negative number, one less than the starting row of the footing frame. That indicates to Appx to end the frame size that many lines up from the bottom of the display area.

See the image below for an example of the frame specifications listed above.


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2003-Nov-25 10:45am
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
When using the PICTURE command I get Load Error!
In an input process I am trying to display a picture using the PICTURE command and Load Error! is being displayed. What does this error message mean?
The only image files you can use in APPX is .png or .gif or .jpg. If your file type is not one of these, you will get the Load Error! message.
You could get this message if your path to the image in misspelled or not accessible to the user running APPX.
Or, the picture field is not large enough to hold the complete path to the image.
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2004-May-21 11:05am
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How to set button (widget) colors!
When you create the button (or any other widget), assign a name on the
Button Properties screen.

In Pre-Display, based on the condition you wish to check:

     SET     --- WIDGET NAME =  <Name you gave the widget>
F    CANCEL      Widgit not found
     IF          <Condition you need to test on>
T    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN FG R  = <red value: 0-255>
T    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN FG B  = <blue value: 0-255>
T    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN FG G  = <green value 0-255>
T    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN BG R  = <red value: 0-255>
T    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN BG B  = <blue value: 0-255>
T    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN BG G  = <green value 0-255>
    *       Set the default color for button 
F    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN FG R  = <red value: 0-255>
F    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN FG B  = <blue value: 0-255>
F    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN FG G  = <green value 0-255>
F    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN BG R  = <red value: 0-255>
F    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN BG B  = <blue value: 0-255>
F    SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN BG G  = <green value 0-255>
     SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN FG NL = 1   <so color is not ignored>
     SET     --- WIDGET COLOR EN BG NL = 1   <so color is not ignored>

The color values are the decimal values for the colors.  For example; hex 
color value #FFFFFF (white) is decimal value 255 for red, green, and blue.

The FG fields set the text color (foreground) on the button.  The BG fields 
set the background color.  When you save the ILF READ and WRITE statements, 
if it says the widget file could not be found, use Opt 88 to save the code.
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2005-Jan-12 2:52pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How to print tech doc for GUI input processes?
RC1 of APPX 4.2.0 includes the ability to print Tech Doc for GUI input processes.
GUI Tech Doc now requires a minimum form width of 96 printable characters instead of the 80 character width that was previously used. However, if you define a form with a wider width (such as 120) then you will find that the screen image will be printed without splitting it into two parts. This will be especially useful for those of you who are designing input screens with a size of 28x110. The screen image will also be more accurately depicted if it does not need to be split into two parts to be printed.
Input process tech doc also includes complete documentation for all widgets that are defined in the input process and a rendition of the screen that closely resembles what you see at design time.
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2003-Dec-26 2:03pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How to get information about why the --- SEND FILE TO CLIENT subroutine failed?
Start a session, try the SEND FILE TO CLIENT, then immediately look at the tail end of (Xref) home\appxlog.txt on the client system. There should be some info there about why it might have failed.
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2004-Apr-02 4:43pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How can I dynamically apply Special Characteristics (Underline, Bold, Inverse Video)
If you look in the 1EX application that is shipped and installed along with APPX, you will find an input process called SPECDSPL which has an example of how to directly apply special screen attributes to the window via ILF code. This is not the field oriented method of ULINE, BLINK, etc. Instead, you give an screen row, col, height, width, and what characteristics you want and it directly paints them there. The example shows how to underline and bold a sub-region of a text field.
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2004-Jan-07 2:33pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
What’s PreDisplay/Verify for?
There are three event points which complement each other in order to provide the flexibility actually needed when designing a well behaved, complex input process. We will ignore the OPTION INTERCEPT event point (and others) for the purposes of this discussion. They are:


VERIFY is executed after the operator keys data and presses ENTER. It is not executed prior to displaying the screen. It is only executed after data entry. The this event point's purpose to validate data entered and to allow for displaying of ERROR and WARNING messages..

PRE-DISPLAY is executed only once when a record is initially retrieved in Change mode or Inquire mode, just before the screen is displayed. In Add mode it is executed once for each ENTRY LEVEL which occurs, just before the screen is displayed.

Pre-Display's primary purpose is to allow default values to be set, and screen attributes such as NO INPUT, etc.

The PRE-DISPLAY/VERIFY event point is the most difficult to understand because it is more or less a combination of the other two event points although there are some differences. It is executed before the screen is displayed after retrieving a record (much like PRE-DISPLAY).

However, it is also executed after data entry - after the VERIFY event point - just before the screen is redisplayed. It can be executed multiple times for a record being processed, not just once like PRE-DISPLAY. This is intended to facilitate displaying of related information such as data lookups, results of calculations, etc.

This event point should not be used to validate data unless the ERROR and WARNING messages are intended to be displayed when the screen is initially displayed since they will be executed at that point as well. This behavior is the source of the current discussion regarding error messages which display in inquire mode as well as other modes.

It is my contention that the prior behavior (before 3.3) of APPX was the correct one and there is a good chance that the next release (3.4) will revert back to that behavior.

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2003-Dec-31 12:09pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How to display the HELP text for the current Menu?
The following technique displays the user documentation text for the current Menu:

 Create a detached Optional Child:

               --- SUBROUTINE   HELP (PROCESS)

 Give it a Pre-Invocation ILF command:

               GOSUB    --- HELP (GRAB CURRENT PROCESS)

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2004-Jan-07 2:41pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How do you create dynamic screen titlebar text with ILF?
Either of:

1) If no Window Label is defined in the widget, the label value comes from the first row of the screen. That will include the display values of any fields that are on line 1.

2) If there is a Window Label defined in the Window widget, that is used instead of the line1 text. You can name the widget and use ILF in Pre-Display of the image that contains the Window Widget definition. Read the widget by name, change the label, and rewrite it.

If you have an INPUT process with a Window widget Label and call another INPUT process that is the same or smaller size but has no Window widget and has Box? = No, the screen contents will be layered into the prior window and the prior windows widget will still be enforced. You can break this reuse by setting Box? = "?" on the child process frame, and/or add a Window widget to the child image.

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2004-Jan-06 4:18pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
What are the rules for non-positive widget positions within an image?
If widget row = 0, Appx will center the widget (vertically) within the image
If widget row < 0 the widget will appear abs(row) rows above the bottom of the image
If widget column = 0, the widget will be centered (horizontally) within the image
If widget column < 0, the widget will appear abs(column) columns to the left of the right edge of the image
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2004-Jan-09 9:59am
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How do I stop APPX from automatically displaying the next record during INQUIRY.
In an INQUIRY process, when the user enters a nonexistent key, the next record in sequence is automatically displayed. If you don’t want this to occur in the INQUIRY Start of Process event point, code:

            SET   --- EXACT KEY REQUIRED   =    Y

When the INQUIRY is in Key Entry, if a non-existing key value is entered, it will then not advance to the next record. Also, by setting:

            SET   --- AUTO READNEXT        =    N

... after a valid key has been entered and the INQUIRY has been run, when END is pressed, it will then not auto advance to the next key value. (Setting READ NEXT to NO in the INQUIRY's Additional Attributes does not accomplish this.)

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2004-Jan-20 10:20am
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How can I make a constrained field editable?
Setting the field to OK INPUT (or maybe Entry Level=0) will make the 
field editable. But, then you will need the following trick to actually 
get the changed value to save because APPX always restores the constraint 
field values just before rewriting the PCF record.

In Pre-Update

In Post-Update
READ    XXX HOLD (with hold) 
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2004-Feb-13 8:45am
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Which fields in the --- WIDGET file correspond to the GUI attr. input fields?
---------------- ------------------------ --------------------
{null}           {null}                   {null}
CENTER           CENTER                   CENTER
TOP              CENTER                   TOP
RIGHT            RIGHT                    CENTER
BOTTOM           CENTER                   BOTTOM
LEFT             LEFT                     CENTER
UPPER LEFT       LEFT                     TOP
UPPER RIGHT      RIGHT                    TOP
LOWER RIGHT      RIGHT                    BOTTOM
LOWER LEFT       LEFT                     BOTTOM

---------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- -------------
{null}           {null}                   {null}                  {null}
BEHIND TEXT      CENTER                   CENTER                  {null}
ABOVE TEXT       CENTER                   BOTTOM                  {null}
TRAILING TEXT    LEFT                     CENTER                  {null}
BELOW TEXT       CENTER                   TOP                     {null}
LEADING TEXT     RIGHT                    CENTER                  {null}
ABOVE & LEADING  RIGHT                    BOTTOM                  {null}
ABOVE & TRAILING LEFT                     BOTTOM                  {null}
BELOW & TRAILING LEFT                     TOP                     {null}
BELOW & LEADING  RIGHT                    TOP                     {null}
EXPAND TO FILL   {null}                   {null}                  EXPAND
EXPAND PROP'L    {null}                   {null}                  TILE
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2004-Feb-19 4:33pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
When I go into an Input screen with Optional Children exceeding option number 130 - options 1 through 30 are not there.
I have to go past 30 and then use the scroll bar - and scroll up one line at a time to see the Optional Children.
This bug has been reported and is logged in the BugTracker system as bug report #624. Two other related bugs are #458 and #459. The BugTracker system can be found at;

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2004-Mar-19 4:56pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Word wrapping on multi-line text fields.
On Character Mode and Win32 client interfaces, word wrapping on multi-line text fields only works if there are no other editable fields on the same row. The Java client interface does not have this limitation.
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2004-Mar-19 4:59pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Is it possible to make the cursor on APPX thicker or more visible?
Using the Java Client for 4.2.x you can set the "caretcolor" under the advanced options to something like #FF0000 to get solid red but, as yet, there's nothing that'll make it wider.
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2004-Mar-19 5:00pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How to blank out or make invisible a Field on an Image
Using ILF control, to temporarily remove a Widget (field) from an Image, perform:
See also the ILF verb 'BLANK', in the Application Design Reference Manual: > Support > Online Manuals > Application Design Manual
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2004-Apr-21 12:03pm
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
Optional frame may result in infinite loop
When an error is detected in an event point past the normal display cycle, such as "record already on file" in pre-pcf update, APPX attempts to re-invoke the last frame in that input process. If that frame is optional and alternate image number is zero, the frame will not be displayed and you'll fall right back to pre-pcf update, an infinite loop.

You can check for duplicate keys, primary and unique alternates, within a displayed frame and send a message to the status line informing the user of the condition. You could also set a flag in pre-pcf update and check this flag in select image and set the alternate image number to non-zero so the frame will be displayed.

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2004-May-25 10:39am
(Answer) (Category) FAQ's - APPX Software, Inc. : (Category) APPX Utility : (Category) APPX Development Environment : (Category) Input Processes :
How To Add a Picture to an input process
You can use PRODUCT file input in 1EX application as an example. Make sure you have a little room to the right of the boxes on the input. We can use that area to add a picture of the product to the screen so that the order entry clerks can see what they are working with.
With buttons, labels, and picture widgets we used icons and images that are constant. The same image appears on the screen every time it is displayed. With the product input we will want to have a different picture displayed for each product.
This is accomplished by adding a field to the PRODUCT file to store the name of the image and using GUI attributes to tell APPX where the picture is located. You can add the alpha field to the screen and define it as a picture type (in Object Properties).
Add an alpha field to the PRODUCT file. It should be large enough to contain the name, or path and name, for the image. In this case we will not need a large field since the names we will be using are short. Don’t forget to restructure the PRODUCT file.
Add the new field to the PRODUCT input in two places. One entry will be the text field so that the image name can be entered. The second will be the location you want the picture displayed. That field should be non-modifiable and should have the rows and columns set to cover an area large enough for the image. In this exercise make the field fit into the area to the right of the data by inserting the image and using the size handles to drag it out. You may need to adjust the size after running a test.
On the second field, pull up the GUI properties screen and select the picture control. Set the location to DESIGN FILE. We will use a couple of existing images. In real life you would probably have a central repository on the server and would point to SERVER FILE.
That is it. We should be able to run the PRODUCT input and select an item in change mode. Enter image name in the modifiable product picture location field. The image should display in the second field.
The images are loaded into cache in memory when first displayed in order to keep from downloading the image each time it is displayed. Sometimes the cache does not clear when an image is entered incorrectly the first time. You may need to exit APPX and get back in if the name was entered incorrectly the first time.

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2004-Nov-05 11:07am
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